PR is here

Shipped in Provider version 4.17.0.

Adding an ability for using AWS Secrets Manager secret resource as input for AWS DMS Endpoint with Redshift engine.

Please note, that AWS Redshift database can be used only as target for AWS DMS endpoint.

It will allow us to not store Redshift DB credentials in .tf files but rather read the creds from a secured source.

AWS API and userguide docs refs:

Lessons learned

Look around and try to find some ways to make a code more readable

Don’t be thinking only about the place in code that is directly related to your feature or enhancement.

Look around, there might be some places where you can improve code structure and readability. For example, you might notice as some code blocks are repeated more than one time (breaking the DRY principle). That’s a good chance to introduce a small function that will do the same but without code duplications. Then just call this function where needed. It can significantly reduce the amount of the code.

For example, there was the following code repeated 14 times within the same file:

    input.Username = aws.String(d.Get("username").(string))
    input.Password = aws.String(d.Get("password").(string))
    input.ServerName = aws.String(d.Get("server_name").(string))
    input.Port = aws.Int64(int64(d.Get("port").(int)))
    input.DatabaseName = aws.String(d.Get("database_name").(string))

We have some input object and this code block just sets some generic parameters.

New function has been introduced:

func expandTopLevelConnectionInfoModify(d *schema.ResourceData, input *dms.ModifyEndpointInput) {
    input.Username = aws.String(d.Get("username").(string))
    input.Password = aws.String(d.Get("password").(string))
    input.ServerName = aws.String(d.Get("server_name").(string))
    input.Port = aws.Int64(int64(d.Get("port").(int)))

	if v, ok := d.GetOk("database_name"); ok {
		input.DatabaseName = aws.String(v.(string))

The same idea is also true for the Acceptance tests. You might see that some of Terraform code snippets are just copied and pasted for different test cases.

For example:

data "aws_kms_alias" "dms" {
    name = "alias/aws/dms"

data "aws_region" "current" {}
data "aws_partition" "current" {}

resource "aws_dms_endpoint" "test" {
    endpoint_id                     = %[1]q
    endpoint_type                   = "source"
    engine_name                     = "mariadb"
    secrets_manager_access_role_arn = aws_iam_role.test.arn
    secrets_manager_arn             =

    tags = {
        Name   = %[1]q
        Update = "to-update"
        Remove = "to-remove"

As you can see, all data resources might be common for different aws_dms_endpoint resources. There are only two attributes that change:

  • aws_dms_endpoint.endoint_id
  • aws_dms_endpoint.engine_name - this will differ for different DB engines (mariadb, redshift, mysql and so on)

You can introduce a new simple function that renders this common Terraform code and then just call this base function where needed:

func testAccEndpointConfig_secretBase(rName string) string {
    return fmt.Sprintf(`
data "aws_kms_alias" "dms" {
    name = "alias/aws/dms"

data "aws_region" "current" {}
data "aws_partition" "current" {}
`, rName)

And then just call it where needed:

func testAccEndpointConfig_mariaDBSecretID(rName string) string {
    // As you can see, `testAccEndpointConfig_secretBase` is get called here and its part just will be added to the result
    // Terraform code for the test by `acctest.ConfigCompose`
    return acctest.ConfigCompose(testAccEndpointConfig_secretBase(rName), fmt.Sprintf(`
resource "aws_dms_endpoint" "test" {
    endpoint_id                     = %[1]q
    endpoint_type                   = "source"
    engine_name                     = "mariadb"
    secrets_manager_access_role_arn = aws_iam_role.test.arn
    secrets_manager_arn             =

    tags = {
        Name   = %[1]q
        Update = "to-update"
        Remove = "to-remove"
`, rName))

Pass *schema.ResourceData parameters to functions as a first argument

It’s better to pass a parameter of *schema.ResourceData type to function on the first place:

// d *schema.ResourceData is passed on the first place
func expandTopLevelConnectionInfoModify(d *schema.ResourceData, input *dms.ModifyEndpointInput) {

It does not make any change to code logic but rather it’s some kind of guideline or best practice.

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